Religious Rollercoaster

By Keilani

The Tudors had many twists and turns in what we call their Religious Rollercoaster. King Henry VIII was born Catholic, but switched to Protestant in order to divorce Catherine of Aragon. His son, Edward VI and Elizabeth I were Protestant, too. Mary, on the other hand was Catholic, like her mom, and burned many Protestants at the stake, earning her the nick name “Bloody Mary”

Firstly, the religious rollercoaster started when Henry turned Protestant and turned England with him, too. Edward simply made a new prayer book. Secondly, Mary viciously imprisoned Elizabeth inn fear she would claim the throne. She burned protestants alive and transformed England from Protestant back to Catholic. Lastly, when Elizabeth became queen, the Protestants saw her as their glorious saviour, by not burning them and making services in English. She became the Queen Governor of the Church of England.


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